Acne Treatment With Lasers at SB Aesthetics

Acne is a skin issue wherein the excess oil, dead skin cells, dirt, and sometimes acne-causing bacteria from the skin plug the hair follicles. It is a common, worldwide skin concern among teenagers and young adults. Frequent acne outbreaks can negatively impact appearance and cause self-confidence to plummet. Aggressive, repeated, or overlapping acne flare-ups can lead to acne scars. Thankfully, there are intense pulsed light therapies and lasers that have been touted as effective treatments for active acne as well as residual acne scars. This blog focuses on acne scar laser treatment in Gurgaon at SB Aesthetics with ND: YAG lasers and Intense Pulsed Light therapy. How do lasers work to treat acne? When people have active acne, they are facing clogged pores that are great incubators for bacteria. The bacteria growth within the pores results in pimples. The lasers deliver intense light in pulses within the skin pores without...