A Guide to Breast Augmentation Surgery

 One feels and looks good when their body is in the desired shape. For women, the breast size is a crucial aspect of the overall figure. Many women choose to have breast augmentations in order to achieve the desired breast size. Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, a renowned surgeon for breast augmentation surgery in Gurgaon, explains that breast augmentation is a restorative surgical technique aimed at increasing the size, form, or fullness of the breasts. Women have breast augmentations to enhance their confidence and physical appearance.

Breast Implants Cost in Gurgaon, Breast Augmentation Surgery in Gurgaon

Breast Augmentation with Fat Grafting

This technique uses one's own body fat, such as that from the buttocks, abdomen, or thighs. The fat is removed from the body using the liposuction technique, filtered, and refined before being injected into the breasts. This method can be thought of as almost scar-free. If the breasts are droopy and require volume as well as a lift, any of these procedures can be combined with a breast lift.

Breast Augmentation with Breast Implants

Breast augmentation surgery involving implants is a multi-step process. In this procedure, an incision will be made, and the implants will be positioned in a pocket beneath the tissue of the breast. Following the implantation of the implants in this tissue, the incision is typically closed using absorbable sutures.

There are various kinds of incisions that can be made to insert the implants, including:

  • Inframammary: In the space beneath the breast's crease.
  • Transaxillary: Close to the underarm.
  • Periareolar: The middle portion of the dark circle that encircles the nipple.
  • Transumbilical: In the navel or belly button (Saline implants only)

The implants may be positioned beneath the muscle or behind the gland in the planes beneath the breast. The best person to recommend where to put implants is the surgeon, as there are a few factors that are best discussed after the physical examination.

The Advantages of Breast Augmentation Surgery

  • Enhance the appearance of the breasts.
  • Surgery can add volume to breasts that are too small or out of proportion to the rest of the body.
  • It aids in enhancing the contours and form of the breasts.
  • Enhance the cleavage and restore symmetry to the asymmetric breasts.
  • Make the breasts look younger and restore the volume and adaptability that they lost as they grew older.
  • Many women report feeling more confident and sure of themselves after having breast augmentation surgery.

Pre and Post Care Guidelines for Breast Augmentation Surgery

Pre-operative Care:

  • Give up drinking and smoking: Avoid drinking and smoking for at least two weeks prior to surgery, as these behaviors may interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications.
  • Rest well: Make sure to get plenty of rest in the days leading up to the surgery to help the body prepare for the process.
  • Adhere to medical instructions: Read all medication instructions provided by the surgeon and refrain from taking any blood thinners.
  • Schedule the recovery period: It will be necessary to take time off work in order to recover from the surgery, so make sure to have enough time off. 

Post-operative Care:

  • Wear compression garments: Following surgery, the patient will receive a compression garment from the specialist. This garment will aid in reducing swelling and accelerating healing.
  • Take all the prescribed medicines: As directed, take all prescription medications recommended by the doctor. These could include antimicrobials, anti-inflammatory medications, and pain relievers.
  • Rest and avoid physical activity: For at least 2-4 weeks following surgery, take all reasonable rest and avoid physical activity, including lifting, twisting, and extending.
  • Attend the scheduled follow-ups: Attend all of your follow-up appointments with the specialist to ensure that the healing is legitimate and to screen in advance.
  • Keep up a healthy weight: Eating a balanced diet rich in vegetables, lean meats, and natural products can help promote healing and lower the risk of infection.
  • Steer clear of alcohol and smoke: Avoid alcohol and smoking for at least two weeks following surgery, as they may interfere with the healing process and increase the risk of complications.

To ensure a speedy recovery and a successful outcome following breast augmentation surgery, it is essential to carefully follow all of the surgeon's instructions. Breast augmentation surgery typically takes several hours to complete and is done under general anesthesia. Even though recovery times differ, most patients return to their regular activities and jobs a few days to a week after surgery. One must always consult with a qualified surgeon to ensure a safe and successful procedure. Dr. Shilpi Bhadani is one such surgeon, who has a track record of offering various successful breast surgeries, including breast augmentation, breast lift, and breast reduction in Gurgaon.
Looking for breast implants cost in Gurgaon? Visit SB Aesthetics. The facility is well equipped with all the latest technologies and offers premium care to patients at affordable costs. At this clinic, the cost of breast implants ranges from Rs. 1,50,000 to Rs. 2,30,000.

Rad More: Changing the Chest Implants


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