FAQ: Can You Get a Hair Transplant if You Have a Medical Condition?

 Hair transplants have become immensely popular among people struggling with hair woes such as hair loss, hair thinning, bald patches, partial hair loss, receding hairline, or complete hair loss. However, before considering this treatment, it is important to understand whether you are medically fit, as any underlying medical condition may affect the overall outcome. Though individuals with certain medical conditions have undergone the treatment and are satisfied with the results, certain medical conditions require specific consideration before proceeding with the surgery. This blog covers insights from Dr.Shilpi Bhadani, a leading surgeon for providing the best hair transplant in Gurgaon to help you understand whether you can get a hair transplant if you have a medical condition.

How Medical Conditions Affect Hair Transplant Eligibility?

The candidature for a hair transplant mainly depends upon overall health and medical fitness. Moreover, it also depends upon how well you manage your medical condition, if any. Certain medical conditions might not rule you out, but they could increase the risk and promote poor or delayed recovery. If you are looking for a plastic surgery clinic in Gurgaon to get your medical profile accessed, SB Aesthetic by Dr. Shilpi Bhadani is your best option. Some of the medical conditions that might affect your hair transplant eligibility are undermentioned: 

  • Chronic Conditions That May Impact a Hair Transplant

Chronic conditions that may impact a patient's eligibility for a hair transplant are as follows:

  1. Diabetes: Individuals with diabetes could be eligible for a hair transplant. However, it is important to keep the blood sugar at optimum levels. This is because blood sugar levels out of optimum levels can lead to delayed or poor wound healing, increase the risk of infection, and poor circulation, affecting the overall outcome of the procedure. 
  1. Autoimmune Disorders: Individuals with autoimmune disorders are also most likely not suitable for hair transplant surgery. Examples of such an autoimmune disorder include alopecia areata, rheumatoid arthritis, or lupus. This is because the immune system of individuals with autoimmune disorders may attack the transplanted hair follicles, impacting the overall results of the surgery. 
  1. Blood Disorders: Individuals with blood disorders such as hemophilia or other blood clotting disorders are less likely to be suitable for a hair transplant procedure. This is because abnormal blood clotting factors increase the risk of bleeding during and after the surgery. In extreme cases, the condition can be life-threatening as well. 
  1. Heart Disease: Individuals with heart disease or disorder may not get medical clearance to undergo transplant surgery. However, you may consult your cardiologist to get medical clearance. This is because anesthesia is induced during the hair transplant surgery, and individuals with cardiovascular disease may stress out their system. 
  • Skin Conditions and Scalp Health

Another important point to consider while determining a patient's eligibility for hair transplant treatment is skin condition and scalp health. Factors that may play a significant role in determining skin condition and scalp health are as follows:

  1. Scalp Infections: Common scalp infections that may affect your candidature for a hair transplant include fungal infections or seborrhoeic dermatitis. 
  1. Psoriasis or Eczema: Skin conditions such as psoriasis or eczema may not directly rule you out for a hair transplant, but they may complicate the procedure and affect the desired outcome of the procedure. Moreover,  individuals with these conditions may experience intense inflammation or irritation around the recipient and donor areas. 

Additional Information

In the majority of cases, individuals with medical conditions are approved to undergo this surgery with certain precautions and considerations. Thus, you are good to go for the surgery as long as you manage your condition effectively to avoid any risk and negative outcome of the treatment. With proper consultation, medical evaluation, pre-operative preparation, and post-operative guidelines to achieve satisfactory and safe results from a hair transplant.

Get the best hair transplant in Gurgaon at SB Aesthetics by Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, India’s leading hair transplant surgeon. 

Individuals with medical conditions do not get immediately ruled out for hair transplant surgery. Several people have undergone hair transplant surgery despite their medical condition and have achieved the benefits and avoided the risks of hair transplant procedures. Therefore, the key is to get your medical profile assessed by the best hair transplant surgeon. Dr. Shilpi Bhadani offers the best hair transplant in Gurgaon

She is a highly trained and seasoned professional with the core values of compassion and care. If you are considering a hair transplant and worried about whether you are fit for the treatment, it's time to consult with the expert hair transplant surgeon, Dr. Shilpi Bhadani, at SB Aesthetics, and get personalized advice and a careful assessment of your medical profile.


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